Mission BBQ in Ellicott City Launches Blue Cup Fundraiser
Starting Monday, February 6th, the Mission BBQ in Ellicott City will donate $2.00 from every Thanks For What You Do Blue Cup to the Howard County Police Foundation, Maryland State Fireman’s Association and Howard Heroes.
Fundraising for our Heroes
The cups will be available at Mission BBQ’s Ellicott City location for ten weeks only, so get yours today to help our local heroes!
Dates: Februrary 6th – April 10th, 2017
Location: Mission BBQ Ellicott City
3410 Plum Tree Drive
Ellicott City, MD 21042
Since it’s opening in Ellicott City, Mission BBQ continues to support local causes helping our heroes and we would like to thank them for their dedication to our community. The founders of Mission BBQ strive to run a business with meaning and purpose – proudly serving those who serve. Show your appreciation for their mission and our Howard County Police officers by purchasing a Thanks For What You Do Blue Cup. Learn more about Mission BBQ’s dedication to giving back on their website.
Dedication On the Cup
Our Hometown Heroes
You’re our family, friends and neighbors. You’re the Police Officers, Firefighters, First Responders and EMS Personnel. You’re the ones running in as others run out. Your unselfish courage and proud patriotism are reminders of what makes Our Country great. Our Community honors and thanks you for the risks you take and the lives you save. In and out of uniform, you will always be Our Hometown Heroes.